Board of Ethics and Government Accountability

Open Government Report 2014
On July 21, 2014, Mayor Gray issued the Transparency, Open Government and Open Data Directive
(Mayor’s Order 2014-170). The directive is intended to promote greater government accountability
among District Government agencies. The directive requires each agency to expand its cadre of
proactively disclosed records as well as publishing the data in machine-readable formats such at HTML,
Since its inception in 2012, the Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (BEGA) has implemented
an “open-by-default” policy in its oversight of the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) and the Office of
Open Government (OOG). Both the OGE and the OOG are joined under the umbrella of BEGA, operating
on the premise that an ethical government is a transparent government.
Through its annual BEGA Best Practices Report, the OOG will continue to provide policy
recommendations to the Executive Office of the Mayor and the Council of the District of Columbia that
will promote sustainable government transparency policies, agency responsiveness through the use of
easily accessed and maintained technological tools and advocate for greater civic collaboration and
participation in communities.




The Office of Government Ethics and the Office of Open Government make all statutes,
rulemakings, trainings, advisory opinions, dispositions and testimony issued by the respective
offices available on BEGA’s website at
Advisory opinions issued by OGE are presumptively protected from disclosure as attorney/client
privilege under D.C. Official Code §2-534(a)(4). However, OGE seeks the approval from the
requestor to publish the opinion on the website with the appropriate redactions to protect
requesters’ identity.
Advisory opinions issued by the Office of Open Government are published on the website with
the permission of the requestor.
All trainings conducted by OOG and OGE are published on the website in searchable pdf format.
All OGE Complaint Reports are published on the website in XLSX format.
Under D.C. Official Code §§2-571-578, all meetings of public bodies must be properly noticed,
and recorded, and detailed minutes and/or recordings are to be provided to the public. The
Office of Open Government provides the District’s only central calendar of public body meeting
dates/agendas, meeting minutes, etc. on its website at Also, the site allows boards and commissions to easily upload meeting
audio recordings and administrative materials.
BEGA makes available video/audio recordings of meetings available on its website; the
recordings and detailed meeting minutes are easily accessed in corresponding list or calendar
views, and are saved in searchable .pdf or .wav formats. Streaming of BEGA meetings real-time

Board of Ethics and Government Accountability






is currently inhibited by OCTO. OCTO must provide the necessary equipment to allow BEGA to
stream is meetings. The OOG recommends the use of Google Hangout and other similar online
conferencing tools that may be easily used by public bodies and accessed by the public on all
PC’s and mobile devices.
The public may submit RSVPs to attend BEGA meetings and all other public body meetings listed
on the BEGA site. The public may also submit comments to the board and members of BEGA
staff via the BEGA website.
Financial Disclosure Statements and Lobbyist filings may be electronically filed and viewed via
the BEGA website.
The public may submit ethics complaints via the BEGA website in addition to traditional forms of
communication such as telephone and email.
All information that must be proactively disclosed under D.C. Official Code §2-531 and FOIA
requests received and processed by OGE and OOG are listed on the BEGA website under a
corresponding FOIA tab. As the Director of the OOG also serves as the District’s FOIA Officer, all
agency FOIA Officer contact information as well as the general FOIA process is located on the
BEGA website.
BEGA, under the guidance of the OOG, is the first District Government Agency to “open up”
District laws by making regulations concerning public bodies available on an open source
platform via DC Decoded. On the DC Decoded website, viewers have access to those regulations
and are able to hover over text found in the regulations to view in-line definitions. Viewers also
have the ability to forward or otherwise share the text with others without copyright restriction.
BEGA makes its Annual Best Practices Report available on Madison, a government policy cocreation platform which allows users to interact with lawmakers. Users are able to provide
feedback and comments in real-time as legislation and policy are being introduced and
To solicit feedback from the coding community on its open government policies and practices,
the OOG makes its Annual Best Practices Report available on GitHub. BEGA’s
IT staff will also work to place all complaints received by BEGA in a GitHub repository.