Open Government Report 2014

To institutionalize a culture of transparent and open government, accountability, and to
expand opportunities for resident participation and collaboration, this Report describes
how the OFFICE ON LATINO AFFAIRS has and will continue to develop and enhance
transparency, public participation, and collaboration. In accordance with Mayor’s Order
2014-170, this report addresses the following topics:

Describe the steps your agency has taken or plans to take to be more transparent.



A significant portion of the Office on Latino Affairs budget (64.6%) is
awarded as grants to community-based organizations to provide direct
services to constituents. Grant Recipients are published on its website.
All grant competitions and notice of funding availability are announced on the
DC Register.
The Office on Latino Affairs meets all its obligations pursuant to the District’s
Freedom of Information Act and Open Meetings Act, by posting relevant
documents on its website and responding to FOIA request within the required
The Office on Latino Affairs will continue to make Commission on the Latino
Community Development meeting minutes available on its website.
The Office on Latino Affairs is working closely with the Office of the City
Administrator (OCA) and the Office of the Chief Technology Officer (OCTO)
to identify a significant number of datasets that OCA and OCTO expect to
publish online later this year. If no dataset from the Office on Latino Affairs is
selected to be included in this 2014 release, we will continue to work with
OCA and OCTO to identify datasets appropriate to publish in 2015. In the
future, requirements for open data reporting will be provided by the Chief
Data Officer.”

Public Engagement and Participation
Describe the steps your agency has taken or plans to take to enhance or expand
opportunities for the public to participate in agency decision-making.

The Office on Latino Affairs does not address issues regarding rules and
regulations, however, it does on a regular basis, convene constituents,
community leaders, subject matter experts and representatives from





community-based organizations to identity and find solutions to issues
affecting the Latino community.
The Office on Latino Affairs develops and produces directories, guides and
FAQs sheets to share information and resources with constituents and
community-based organizations, which are available at OLA’s website and
The Office on Latino Affairs holds quarterly forums with various stakeholders
to address issues related to public safety, housing, health, education and
workforce development.
The Office on Latino Affairs solicits feedback on its services through its multiplatform communications tools, such as website, social media, email, and textmessaging. Additional, the Office on Latino Affairs conducts customer
satisfaction surveys of OLA sponsored events and grants funded programs to
ensure delivery of relevant and high quality services.

Describe the steps your agency has taken or plans to take to enhance or expand
cooperation among departments, other governmental agencies, the public, and nonprofit and private entities in fulfilling its obligations.


The Office on Latino Affairs has partnerships with over 65 community-based
organizations and 34 DC Government agencies, through grant agreements,
MOUs and general collaborative efforts to better serve constituents and
improve the quality of life for Latinos in the District of Columbia.
The Office on Latino Affairs proactively identifies and creates opportunities to
collaborate with organizations on issues of interest to the Executive Office of
the Mayor, the Office on Latino Affairs and the Latino Community.